Wisconsin Birth Photography

Capturing the moment you become a parent

You’ve thought about having a baby for awhile, or maybe it’s happening as a surprise. You and your partner have made a space for this little nugget to join your home. You’ve quit drinking, stopped eating soft cheese and fish, cut down on the caffeine and have lost sleep and patience over the last 9 months. Your body has changed. Your relationships have changed. Your priorities have changed.
Now the time is finally coming. You feel some pressure, some discomfort and then…your water breaks. You call your partner, maybe your midwife or your doctor. It’s time. You’re about to be transformed into a family of 3, or maybe 4, 5 or 6. You work harder than you ever have in your entire life. Your partner is there supporting you, cheering you on. One last push…….and they’re here. The relief, exhaustion and pure amazement take over your body. You just did that! You created that! You’re someone’s PARENT now!!

Don’t you want pictures and video to remember it?
That’s what I’m here for. Not to interfere or disturb, just to merely witness your power.

I can’t stop the tears......after watching that video, it’s almost like reliving it without the pain. I am freaking amazed. They are beyond special I will cherish this FOREVER.” -

Lindsay D. - after viewing images of her son, Tripp’s birth

Reasons to Hire a Birth Photographer…

1. A Birth Story is a full visual story. It aims to tell your story on the day of your baby's birth. As a Professional Birth Photographer, I will capture your WHOLE story with a trained artistic eye. With a full Birth Story in your hands, you will always be able to look back and remember the day in its entirety, and you will also be able to show your child the story of the day you met them and welcomed them into your family.

2. I know how to objectively capture your story without interfering with it. A family member or friend are usually emotionally invested in the process, and might not remember to keep shooting while they're seeing you go through a painful contraction or if they're admiring that beautiful freshly born baby.

3. Your partner can be a great photographer! However, giving your partner the role of photographer will deprive them of more crucial roles: your support during labor and delivery and their participation at the moment of birth.

4. And perhaps the most important aspect of having a Birth Photographer present (in my opinion), is that all those "first" important moments are being professionally documented and preserved.

  • “Sarah, you were everything and more during our time together. I hadn't known what to expect from a true birth photographer. You...you have such a gift when you see a woman in birth and I'm not sure how the stars aligned that we were able to be graced with your presence, but thank you. You even stepped in with my children when you didn't need to, and it was beautiful.” -Danielle, beautiful mom of 4

Investment Details

Newborn baby laid on mom's chest for skin to skin in black and white at Aspirus clinic in Wausau Wisconsin hospital birth

Birth Photography

  • On- call Starting at 38 weeks until baby arrives

    Support at home or hospital births within 90 mins of Stevens Point, WI with travel fee options upon inquiry

    Arrival around 4-5 cm dilation and continued documentation through to 2 hours postpartum

    Starting at $950

    Inquire for full pricing and client guide

    *payment plans available

Maternity photo showing belly bump in Nordic Night Sauna with white shirt wedding ring and belly button piercing in Stevens Point Wisconsin


  • Maternity is done in your home, outside or at our local sauna…that’s right, sauna!

    $350 for 2 hours

Aspirus Clinic in Wisconsin Rapids Wisconsin newborn baby being held by older sister in black and white with assistance from grandmother's hands and dad's hand

Fresh 48 Photography

  • Fresh 48s are done within 2 days of your baby being born. Whether in the hospital, home or birth center, I come to you to capture all of that freshie newness .

    This can also be a time when siblings meet the new baby or grandparents/relatives.

    2-3 hours


real Story

“So a while ago I saw someone posted their birth photos so I followed the photographer and at first I thought that it might be weird but then again in the moment the only thing I cared about is getting my baby out so I thought what the heck...let's do it and let me tell you....I am SO glad I did.

Sarah was AMAZING!! She was so great about checking in to see what was going on leading up to the day I had Theo! I will cherish these photos forever and I wish I would've done it with the girls...

In these photos are the miracle of labor and birth... the hardest, most beautiful thing I have ever done.

So if you've thought of having a birth photographer but are scared, just do it! I promise you won't regret it!!

I can't thank Sarah enough.”

-Chelsea F., mom of two little girls, and her boy, Theo


  • Just fill out your information in the contact page. Let me know your due date and where you’re planning to deliver and I will message you from there to see if we’re a good fit!

  • If you have to have an emergency c-section, I will most likely not be allowed in the OR, but you have to advocate for me to be there. If I can’t, I will send my camera in with your partner, and I will stay after you are out for those beautiful fresh moments with your baby.

  • Depending on what you would like, the cost starts at $950 and goes up to $3200. Email me or fill out a contact form for the full birth client guide.

  • Unless you have history of pregnancies going into labor early, I typically go on call at 38 weeks until baby is born. Going “on call” means that I won’t go on vacation or anywhere else that I can’t leave and get to you for your delivery.

Lets Work Together

Whether you’re about to have a baby or are in the midst of raising them, it all deserves to be documented

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